The Husbands by Holly Gramazio

The Husbands is Holly Gramazio’s debut novel. I did not find it laugh-out-loud funny. Amusing at times, yes, but not funny because the premise of the novel sounds like a nightmare to me lol.
…The Husbands is Holly Gramazio’s debut novel. I did not find it laugh-out-loud funny. Amusing at times, yes, but not funny because the premise of the novel sounds like a nightmare to me lol.
…This is the first – and most likely only – “blind date with a book” that I have purchased. A Hero of Our Time is apparently “whip smart with biting humor” but I did not find it humorous at all. It actually kind of made me feel sad – when it wasn’t making me feel so bored that I wanted to DNF it.
…I think I have a pretty good sense of humour. I love comedies such as Arrested Development, The Office, Parks and Recreation, Community, Schitt’s Creek, Party Down, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Good Place, The Other Two, I could go on and on. I try to see the humour in every situation (within reason – I am not completely heartless). But it seems like every book I have bought lately that is supposed to be “hilarious” I do not find funny at all. Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead is the latest such book, but the reason I did not find this book funny is because it hits way too close to home for me.
…I regret spending my money on this book. I thought, I hoped, I would find Bookworm to be funny as this book is described as “comic noir”. But there is nothing comic about this book, and the bookworm protagonist is insufferable. As a bookworm, I find this book to be insulting. I finished this book because I do not like to leave a book unfinished, but I feel sorry for the trees that died to make the paper this book was printed on.