The Husbands by Holly Gramazio

The Husbands is Holly Gramazio’s debut novel. I did not find it laugh-out-loud funny. Amusing at times, yes, but not funny because the premise of the novel sounds like a nightmare to me lol.
…The Husbands is Holly Gramazio’s debut novel. I did not find it laugh-out-loud funny. Amusing at times, yes, but not funny because the premise of the novel sounds like a nightmare to me lol.
…White Teeth was originally published in the year 2000 and is Zadie Smith’s first novel. It is a pretty impressive debut considering Smith was only 24 years old when it was published. It is a thick book that took me nearly two weeks to read, and it is Dickensian with a large cast of characters. It reads like a quaint 19th or early 20th century novel even though it is set in the late 20th century. White Teeth is broadly about the immigrant experience in western culture. It took a bit for me to get into the story, but I ended up finding it to be an interesting and humorous read.
…Out of all the novels by Curtis Sittenfeld that I have read (American Wife, Eligible and Rodham), Romantic Comedy feels like a fluff piece. Or, more obviously, it feels like a romantic comedy. This is the perfect book if you are looking for something light and fun to read that has romance and a happy ending.
…A few books ago I reviewed Bookworm by Robin Yeatman, a novel about a woman fantasizing about and then actively trying to kill her husband, and I did not think the novel worked because the protagonist was neither sympathetic nor entertaining. Parini Shroff’s The Bandit Queens is about more than one woman trying to kill her husband, but unlike Bookworm, it works on multiple levels. The women are sympathetic characters. The husbands they want to kill are truly despicable. The novel, if not quite laugh-out-loud funny, is humorous. But most importantly, The Bandit Queens critically examines gender roles in India and the challenges women face to subvert them.
…Nothing to See Here is a cute, funny book with a highly improbable premise involving two children that catch on fire when they get agitated. It had me laughing out loud, which does not happen every often when I read. It is an easy novel to read and perfect if you are looking for a bit of levity after some heavy reading.