My Top Five Reads of 2024

Another year done and dusted. Not feeling great about the next four years, so I think I am just going to bury my head in books. Before I get to that, though, I am going to share my top five books of 2024:
5. House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski is an unhinged read and definitely not for everyone, but I think about it often.
4. Second year in a row that Barbara Kingsolver appears on this list. The Poisonwood Bible is definitely worth the hype.
3. Jessica Knoll’s Bright Young Women is an engrossing, feminist take on true-crime.
2. I love Leigh Bardugo’s novels, so of course The Familiar had to make this list.
1. I love time travel stories and Kaliane Bradley’s The Ministry of Time was just such an enjoyable read for me.