Looking Glass Sound by Catriona Ward

Looking Glass Sound by Catriona Ward

I have to say that I am impressed with Catriona Ward. Here is another novel (the first being The Last House on Needless Street) that she is written where she has managed to surprise me with one of the story’s twists. I was not expecting the ending at all, which is always a pleasant surprise for me. Overall, Looking Glass Sound is a bang-up psychological thriller that I highly recommend if you like having your mind messed with.

Looking Glass Sound is about a man named Wilder Harlow who returns to his family’s cottage at Whistler Bay, Maine to write a novel before he commits suicide. He is haunted by the events that occurred there thirty years earlier when he was a teenager and he and his friends discovered the identity of the killer responsible for the disappearance of numerous women. As Wilder writes his novel, his mental condition deteriorates as he begins to realize his memory is not what it used to be and he sees things that should not be there, including the ghost of a drowned woman.

There really is not much more that I can about Looking Glass Sound without majorly spoiling anything, except that it is a cleverly plotted story with so many layers to it, that I still don’t know if I quite believe the ending was the actual end to the story. It is a creepy story, but not particularly scary. It focuses more on the relationships between the characters and Wilder’s descent into mania rather than horror movie type thrills. This novel definitely makes me want to read more books by Catriona Ward.

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